NCERT Solutions Class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Exercise 3.2

NCERT Solutions Class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Exercise 3.2



In this exercise/article we will learn about Coordinate Geometry. The horizontal line X' X called the X-axis and the vertical line Y' Y is called the Y-axis. The point where X' X and Y' Y cross is called the origin, and is denoted by O. Since the positive numbers lie on the directions OX and OY , are called the positive directions of the x-axis and the y-axis, respectively. Similarly, OX' and OY' are called the negative directions of the x-axis and the y-axis, respectively. You see figure properly and read & learn 4 most important points in the exercise.

(i) If a point is in the 1st Quadrant, then the point will be in the form ( +,+ ) , since the 1st Quadrant is enclosed by the positive x-axis and the positive y-axis.

(ii) If a point is in the 2st Quadrant, then the point will be in the form ( -,+ ) , since the 2st Quadrant is enclosed by the negative x-axis and the positive y-axis.

(iii) If a point is in the 3st Quadrant, then the point will be in the form ( -,- ) , since the 3st Quadrant is enclosed by the negative x-axis and the negative y-axis.

(iv) If a point is in the 4st Quadrant, then the point will be in the form ( +,- ) , since the 4st Quadrant is enclosed by the positive x-axis and the negative y-axis.

NCERT Solutions Class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Exercise 3.2


NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry :

Class 9 Maths Exercise 3.2 (Page-52)

Q1. Write the answer of each of the following questions :

(i) What is the name of horizontal and the vertical lines drawn to determine the position of any point in the Cartesian plane ?

Solution :

The name of horizontal and the vertical lines drawn to determine the position of any point in the Cartesian plane is the X - axis and Y - axis .

(ii) What is the name of each part of the plane formed by these two lines ?

Solution :

The name of each part of the plane formed by these two lines are Quadrant .

(iii) What is the name of the point where these two lines intersecting.

Solution :

The name of the point where these two lines intersecting called origin .

Q2. See fig. 3.14, and write the following :

(i) The coordinates of B.

(ii) The coordinates of C.

(iii) The point identified by the coordinates ( -3, -5 ).

(iv) The point identified by the coordinates ( 2, -4 ).

(v) The abscissa of the point D.

(vi) The ordinate of the point H.

(vii) The coordinates of the point L.

(viii) The coordinates of the point M.

NCERT Solutions Class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Exercise 3.2 Q.2

Solution :

(i) The coordinates of B = ( -5, 2 ).

(ii) The coordinates of C = ( 5, -5 ).

(iii) The point identified by the coordinates ( -3, -5 ) = E .

(iv) The point identified by the coordinates ( 2, -4 ) = G .

(v) The abscissa of the point D = ( 6, 2 ).

(vi) The ordinate of the point H = ( -5, -3 ).

(vii) The coordinates of the point L = ( 0, 5 ).

(viii) The coordinates of the point M = ( -3, 0 ).


NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry :

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