NCERT Solutions Class 8 Maths Chapter 6 Squares and Square Roots

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Maths Chapter 6 Squares and Square Roots

NCERT Class 8 Maths Chapter 6 Squares and Square Roots :

NCERT Class 8 Maths Exercise 6.1 (Page-96)

Q1. What will be the unit digit of the squares of the following numbers?

NCERT Class 8 Maths Exercise 6.1



Solution :

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {We\text{ }have\text{ }number:\,272\text{ }} \\ {So,\text{ }unit\text{ }digit\,of\,272=2} \\ {and\text{ }square\text{ }of\,{{2}^{2}}=4~} \end{array}\)


(iii) 799

Solution :

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {We\text{ }have\text{ }number:\,799} \\ {So,\text{ }unit\text{ }digit\,of\,799=9} \\ {and\text{ }square\text{ }of\,{{9}^{2}}=81} \end{array}\)


(iv) 3853

Solution :

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {We\text{ }have\text{ }number:\,3853} \\ {So,\text{ }unit\text{ }digit\,of\,3853=3} \\ {and\text{ }square\text{ }of\,{{3}^{2}}=9} \end{array}\)


(v) 1234

Solution :

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {We\text{ }have\text{ }number:\,1234} \\ {So,\text{ }unit\text{ }digit\,of\,1234=4} \\ {and\text{ }square\text{ }of\,{{4}^{2}}=16} \end{array}\)


(vi) 20387

Solution :

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {We\text{ }have\text{ }number:\,20387} \\ {So,\text{ }unit\text{ }digit\,of\,20387=7} \\ {and\text{ }square\text{ }of\,{{7}^{2}}=49} \end{array}\)


(vii) 52698

Solution :

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {We\text{ }have\text{ }number:\,52698} \\ {So,\text{ }unit\text{ }digit\,of\,52698=8} \\ {and\text{ }square\text{ }of\,{{8}^{2}}=64} \end{array}\)


(viii) 99880

Solution :

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {We\text{ }have\text{ }number:\,99880} \\ {So,\text{ }unit\text{ }digit\,of\,99880=0} \\ {and\text{ }square\text{ }of\,{{0}^{2}}=0} \end{array}\)



Solution :

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {We\text{ }have\text{ }number:\,12796} \\ {So,\text{ }unit\text{ }digit\,of\,12796=6} \\ {and\text{ }square\text{ }of\,{{6}^{2}}=36} \end{array}\)


(x) 55555

Solution :

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {We\text{ }have\text{ }number:\,55555} \\ {So,\text{ }unit\text{ }digit\,of\,55555=5} \\ {and\text{ }square\text{ }of\,{{5}^{2}}=25} \end{array}\)


Q2. The following numbers are not perfect squares. Give reason.

(i) 1057

Solution :



(ii) 23453

Solution :


(iii) 7928

Solution :


(iv) 222222

Solution :


(v) 64000

Solution :


(vi) 89722

Solution :


(vii) 222000

Solution :


(viii) 505050

Solution :


Q3.The squares of which of the following would be odd numbers?

(i) 431  (ii) 2826  (iii) 7779  (iv) 82004


Q4. Observe the following pattern and find the missing digits.

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{l}{{11}^{2}}=121\\{{101}^{2}}=10201\\{{1001}^{2}}=1002001\\{{100001}^{2}}=1...2...1\\{{10000001}^{2}}=...\end{array}\)

Solution : 


Q5.Observe the following pattern and supply the missing numbers.

Solution :


Q6. Using the given pattern, find the missing numbers.


Q7.Without adding, find the sum.




Q8. (i) Express 49 as the sum of 7 odd numbers.

(ii) Express 121 as the sum of 11 odd numbers.


Q9. How many numbers lie between squares of the following numbers.







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